4DOS401P.ZIP 288,853 09-30-92 4DOS 4.01! COMMAND.COM replacement forMS-DOS/PC-DOS/DR-DOS. Enhances most DOScommands, 40+ new commands, command editing,history, aliases, much more. DOS 2.0-5.0,DR-DOS 5 & 6, OS/2, Windows; IBM PCs, PS/2s,compatibles. Manual in 4DOS401D.ZIP. ASPShareware, $69 full regist't'n. 9.30.92 revD
4DOS401U.ZIP 247,390 09-30-92 4DOS 4.01 rel D update for registered users. Usespatch technology to update originalfiles ONLY useful if you have a registeredcopy of 4DOS 4.0 already.
4FILE2U2.ZIP 75,907 09-02-92 4FILES v2U.2 <ASP> - MULTI-PURPOSE FILEMANAGER. Does single & marked files. Edits4DOS/NDOS "file notes", putting _full_ powerinto this feature. Point-&-shoot loading offiles into your favorite utilities viaconfigurable utility ports. Fast disknavigation! <ASP>
ABMENU16.ZIP 26,443 10-31-92 ABMenu v1.6 - easy to use program/directory/menu system for DOS <ASP> Abri Technologies
ACD210.ZIP 55,144 09-13-92 directory change utility ACD is a freewareprogram that allows you to change a loggodon directory with the fewest number ofkeystrokes. Better than Norton's NCD.
ADQ21.ZIP 47,144 09-03-92 Advanced DOSQuiz v2.10: is the advanced (orharder) version of DOSQUIZ which is designedto be a quiz of knowledge of DOS commands;
ALLOPTI.ZIP 873,207 10-12-92 The formatted manuals (in WP 5.1 format) forOPTi chipsets (those mated with AMI BIOS's).
ALLTAG.ZIP 154,029 10-29-92 A mega whopper list of taglines. Collectedfrom various nets over many months. Includes over *7600* taglines. Special OS/2taglines included for fun.
ALTMPX35.ZIP 5,578 09-12-92 Alternate multiplex interrupt spec, v3.5 Aproposal for improved PC performance by RalfBrown.
ALWAYS.ZIP 6,298 09-19-92 Always Technology CD-ROM driver vVCN: 330-8has been tested w/the Sony CDU-541, ChinonCDS-431, Toshiba XM-3201B/3301B, NEC CDR-36/84 and Texel DM-5020/5024 drives; 09/19/92
AMENU.ZIP 69,298 10-13-92 Latest version of Amenu...
AMENU104.ZIP 48,816 04-14-92 UPDATE OF AMENU A PROFESSIONAL MENUING SY Autility to facilitate using the computer tonew computer users. adding executionalsvery easy. Has a very Professionalappearance for both Business and Home use.
APLUS204.ZIP 242,559 09-18-92 ANSIPLUS 2.04; great DOS CON driver forVGA/EGA, packed w/features: color control,screen saver, scroll-back/freeze; ANSIsupport; Windows aware. Replaces 2.00-2.03
ASCIUTIL.ZIP 26,825 10-18-92 Two ascii programs, a splitter and a summer
ASTTECH.ZIP 24,902 08-09-92 Switch and jumper settings for ast boards.
ATTRB16.ZIP 21,620 11-11-92 HandyDOS ATTRB v1.6: easy-to-use, intuitive,full screen, WYSIWYG, file attributechanging utility to replace DOS' ATTRIB;changes attributes for a dir, file or allfiles at once & supports wildcard selection& dir changing within the program; 11/11/92;Abri
AUTOMAT.ZIP 22,021 10-01-92 Creates .COM files that load specifiedprograms and execute specified keystrokes.
A_DATE.ZIP 4,557 01-14-92 A-DATE - determines the actual date of th
BATCH30.ZIP 190,149 07-15-92 ----------- Batch ENhancer v3.00 -----------Add colors, sounds, boxes, menus, directorycontrols and other SPECTACULAR features intobatch files. Now with new Batch Editor! VG! Newest File in Archive: July, 1992
BBOX25.ZIP 23,606 02-23-92 BatBox v2.5 Powerful batch file menu system
BEN60.EXE 472,175 02-08-92 PC Magazine Benchmark Suite 6.0
BLK201.ZIP 17,402 10-27-92 BootLock 2.01 10/29/92 BootLock allows youto lock out the use of [CTRL][ALT][DEL],[CTRL]C, and/or [CTRL][BREAK]. You can alsodefine a "user defined" key to lock out. BootLock is a TSR and can be unloaded andLoaded into High Memory. Shareware
BOOT103.ZIP 2,139 09-23-92 Boot v1.03: 4K util that lets you controlyour startup autoexec and config files;
BOOTONCE.ZIP 1,609 09-10-92 Fix autoexec.bat so virus checkers, diskcheckers, etc. Only load once a day. Savestime if you tend to reboot alot.
CAN12.ZIP 12,274 09-19-92 Can/Dump v1.2: are utilities that replacesDOS' DEL command; with many features.
CEDIT1.ZIP 71,006 10-09-92 Color Edit, add color to your editingcapabilities.
CFG11.ZIP 15,628 09-11-92 CFG.SYS v1.1: a collection of utilities in anonresident device driver designed to giveyou some system control during the devicedriver installation phase of CONFIG.SYS.
CFGB1.ZIP 57,730 10-05-92 BETA #1 of a PM Config.Sys editor. Allowschecking/change of individual statements, etc
CFGSYS11.ZIP 16,822 10-18-92 Device driver for use during CONFIG.SYSexecution. Beep speaker, set EGA/VGA screenlines, conditional pause, etc. MarkTreadwell
CHAR5.ZIP 12,006 08-20-92 TSR to allow pasting of any ASCII character(including extended) into any app.
CHKMON10.ZIP 4,354 09-17-92 CHKMON v1.0: utility that checks to see whatkind of video adapter is installed in yourcomputer, & sets the DOS errorlevel on exit;
CLKT201S.ZIP 9,487 09-08-92 CLKTimer v2.01S: 5K TSR to perform tasks atdesignated times; tasks that can beperformed include displaying the currentdate/time, sounding/displaying an alarm,rebooting,etc all via BAT files; 09/08/92;Roger Brook.
COLORS50.ZIP 1,723 08-25-92 Set screen/text colors for dos 5.0 easiliy.
COPYPRO.ZIP 7,919 09-30-92 CopyPro can be called from programminglanguage programs or bat files, working likeDOS' COPY cmd but provides much more;
CROE10.ZIP 7,924 08-08-92 Check Range Odd Even 1.0 - DOS error prompts
DBPREP.ZIP 28,828 09-28-92 Utility to allow DOS 4.0, DOS 5.0, andDR-DOS to be installed as dualboot.
DCOPY411.ZIP 29,249 09-06-92 Improvement over DOS copy command, free fromDoug McKay, shows bytes copied while inprocess, time elapsed, appends files, more
DD100.ZIP 27,589 08-20-92 Replacement for Dos DIR command.
DDBTM.ZIP 0,839 08-17-92 DD.BTM is a 4DOS program that will deleteall files and the directory you specify atthe prompt as well as that dir's subdirs;08/17/92; Tom Schulte.
DDUPE339.ZIP 96,561 08-22-92 Fast disk copier & disk formatter
DELDIR14.ZIP 13,786 09-02-92 DELDIR v1.4 - (C) 1992 (FREEWARE) DELDIRwill remove a complete directory without theuser having to delete the file's first. DELDIR will tell user: # of files, amount ofbytes in dir, wasted bytes, CURRENT freespace, and free space after deletion. v1.4faster and smaller in every way! NewestFile in Archive: September, 1992
DFVB11.ZIP 205,855 11-04-92 DoorFrame v1.1 Doors development library forVisual Basic DOS. Advanced features
DFX01.ZIP 209,912 08-28-92 Patch For DOSfax Pro Dated May 25, 1992. Will Update The DOSfax Pro Installation toan Aug 12, 1992 One.
DIRXC.ZIP 16,046 01-01-92 Free from Raymond Kaya: ver 1.08, smaller
DLKEY11.ZIP 35,369 08-26-92 TSR which puts keystrokes into keybrd bufferat certain times. Can play back scriptfiles Programs to generate scripts areincluded.
DOS5U1.ZIP 59,461 10-31-92 5th Dimension - DOS 5.0 utilities [ASP] Twoutility programs for DOS 5.0 and acollection of DOSKEY macros. DIRCMDr Plusis a front end for DIR; FORMCMDr is a frontend for FORMAT. Easy, menu- driven. Tay-Jee
DOSNX21.ZIP 174,998 11-17-92 DOSNIX 2.1. A UNIX style toolikit for MSDOSDOSNIX combines the most frequently usedUNIX commands with some slick DOS utilsIncludes versions of CAT, CP, CHMOD, LS, MV,MVDIR, RM, RN, TEE, TOUCH and much more. With new fast text file viewer.
DRDOSTIP.ZIP 152,740 08-19-92 Some tips, fixes, and other helpful info forDRDOS 5.0 users from the DR Forum on CIS. DR = Digital Research Includes 12 files andcurrent msg base.
DRX108.ZIP 40,311 01-01-92 DirX v1.08 - displays compressed .EXEs in
DRYSTO.ZIP 289,151 10-06-92 10/92 Drystone Tests for DOS/Windows/486/386.
DS5QZ21.ZIP 49,050 09-07-92 DOS 5 Quiz v2.10: tests the user's knowledgeand ability to use the features of MS-DOS 5.0
DSMAC2.ZIP 20,325 10-12-92 Collection of Brief macros
DSQUIZ22.ZIP 43,620 09-03-92 DOSQuiz v2.2: designed to be a quiz of know-ledge of basic and advanced DOS commands;
DSVR11.ZIP 11,136 10-15-92 DOSVER v1.1-DOS version via errorlevel [ASP]DOSVER returns the version number of DOS youare using via the errorlevel. Also executesDOS VER command for screen display.
DUALTOOL.ZIP 171,825 08-01-92 Shareware "clone" of PC-Tools Look And Manyof The Features of The PC-Tools Shell.
DX131.ZIP 13,449 11-26-92 This is the latest version of my utilitieswhich help extend the DOS funcions DIR andTYPE. Fixes a minor bug in D.EXE, andspeeds up T.EXE. FREEWARE...no money needbe sent to me!
EASYBOOT.ZIP 35,616 08-31-92 EasyBoot v1.2 Multiple System ConfigurationsAllows You to Have Many Versions ofAUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS Full Supportfrom Author, FREEWARE and Disk Cache Aware
F12BOOT.ZIP 1,130 09-13-92 TSR that will cause a machine to do a warmboot when the F12 key is pressed;w/ASM source
FHANDLE.ZIP 8,092 09-01-92 Increases process file handles.
FLEXP250.ZIP 190,471 09-24-92 FLEXIBAK Plus v 2.50. Hard Disk Backup. Features compression, selective backups anda unique backup method where you only haveto take a full backup once! Now you canbackup to fixed media (even acrossnetworks), also includes IMPROVEDcompression and speed!! A must try! Addedutilities for registered users! <ASP>Newest File in Archive: September, 1992
FUNPROMT.ZIP 2,503 10-16-92 5 fun prompts for your dos screen.
GAO363.ZIP 160,319 10-22-92 Microsoft Diagnostics program
GNUDOS.ZIP 338,688 10-02-92 GNUDOS.ZIP: The GNU file utilities from theFree Software Foundation. This is thepremier Unix version of these utilitiesmodified to run under MSDOS. Included are:mv,mvdir,cp,ls,rm,rmdir,cat,cmp,touch,head,tail,tac,dd,cut,and paste. Distributed under`copyleft'. They will support 32 characterfilenames if the shareware TSR `fn32.exe' isrunning. The file FN32-101.ZIP contains
HDOS15.ZIP 139,937 09-24-92 HandyDOS v1.5: contains several of the mostwanted DOS utils including a .BAK deleter,file/dir ren/mover, dir changer, etc;
HDOS16.ZIP 136,135 10-31-92 HandyDOS v1.6 - popular, well supportedcollection of utilities for DOS from Abri.
HEXVIEW.ZIP 27,908 10-01-92 HEXVIEW.EXE - HEXIDECIMAL VIEWER Fast, easy. CHEAP!!!! Hexview can read filesof anysize, display them in hex and ASCII, and more
HPHIL.ZIP 27,038 09-08-92 HP-HIL Mouse drivers for DOS 5.0 and OS/22.0.
IC20.ZIP 29,035 10-06-92 Internal Commands v2.0: TSR that extendscommand.com's repetoire of internalcommands; includes a sound API and supportsbackground music; 10/06/92; Geoff Friesen.
IGTIME10.ZIP 52,391 09-02-92 IguanaSoft's Father Time, version 1.0Control the very Fabric of Time with thissys clock utility from the good folks atIguanaSoft.
INT9NEW.ZIP 11,399 08-14-92 Interrupt 9 Fix file with new docs.
INTER32A.ZIP 331,503 09-13-92 MSDOS Interrupt List Release 32 1of3
INTER32B.ZIP 307,947 09-13-92 MSDOS Interrupt List Release 32 2of3
INTER32C.ZIP 167,480 09-13-92 MSDOS Interrupt List Release 32 3of3
INTVUE10.ZIP 7,887 11-10-92 INTERVUE 1.0c is a Public Domain viewer forthe Interrupt List which is distributed asINTxxA and INTxxB. The program iscompatible with all recent releases thru 32,and is designed to be compatible with futurereleases of the List.
JCON322U.ZIP 37,229 11-16-92 JConfig v3.22 - Gives you all informationsof your PC - Belgian Made
JOYCFG.ZIP 15,931 11-13-92 Nice Joystick Calibration Program
JRCON302.ZIP 39,892 09-22-92 Memory to 736k on IBMPCjr.latest version 302Lot of patches are installed on this version.
LAPTUT58.ZIP 251,565 09-30-92 Professor P.C. Laptop! Tutorial - Ver 5.8Hundreds of tips & tricks for Laptop users. Travel with laptops, battery charging &more! How to buy a laptop or portable PC,secret CompuServe resources, DOS and batchfiles for laptops, virus info, more. JimHood
LIST77A.ZIP 92,401 10-07-92 List Utility
LOADHINW.ZIP 11,265 09-25-92 This file contains 8.20.92 version of QEMM'sLOADHI.SYS.
MACETT10.ZIP 19,882 10-03-92 MAC-ETTE v1.0: DOS util that reads MacIntosh1.4 meg diskettes on a PC equipped with a3½" inch high density drive; 10/03/92; PaulE. Thomson/Acute Systems.
MAKCFG15.ZIP 73,738 09-05-92 MakeCFG v1.5: lets you quickly switch thecontents of your system configuration files,letting you pick desired configuration frompop-up window, which can also act as an applauncher; 09/05/92; Juan M. Alvarado/Echidna.
MBTADATA.ZIP 0,796 11-16-92 Some recent data additions for Mbtav100.zip
MCF100.ZIP 70,080 10-02-92 MCONFIG v1.00: a devoce driver designed toprovide multiple configurations forflexibility; McAfee Associates
MEMS20.ZIP 34,829 09-23-92 MemStat Version 2.04. Enhancements includethe ability to hide the window frame,shorten the descriptions of the valuesdisplayed and force the MemStat window tofloat to the surface as required. Files: 3 Oldest: 9/23/92 Newest: 9/23/92
MEMSZ142.ZIP 53,533 10-12-92 System Resource Monitor v1.42. Displaysfree memory and disk space and monitors theswap file's size. It also can monitor CPUloading and total disk space used forspool-files. An icon has been added and aprint monitor bug fixed. For OS/2. Files: 14 Oldest: 5/17/91 Newest: 10/12/92
MOUSE704.ZIP 22,352 08-06-92 ATI Mouse driver update Ver 7.04. Typically, ATI drivers are easier to squeezewhen loading high, etc. since they startsmaller than MS drivers.
MSDELV1A.ZIP 19,493 11-14-92 Delete-with-Verify utility with mouse orkeyboard response. For Microsoft compatiblemouse drivers.
MU10.ZIP 67,461 09-24-92 Morton Utilities v1.0 40+ TSR Utilitiesw/Online Help
MUD22.ZIP 23,690 10-25-92 MUD v2.2 Mac/Unix DOS Translator/Reformatter
MW612.ZIP 160,313 09-09-92 Mouse Software Rel 6.12 - Now with supportfor standard VESA SVGA Mode - Logitech
MW62.ZIP 166,516 11-18-92 Logitech DOS and Windows mouse drivers, Ver6.2
MX601P.ZIP 399,448 08-31-92 386MAX upgrade from 6.01 to 6.02. This isfile MX601P.ZIP from the Qualatas BBS.
NEWCAP18.ZIP 35,881 11-02-92 NEWCAP v1.8: Program Manager/Norton Desktoputil that enables you to change the captionfrom "Program Manager" or "Norton Desktop"to whatever you want; you can also choose todisplay the time and/or the date; 11/02/92;Brian McCarty
NEWTIPS.ZIP 30,535 09-09-92 Dr dos help.
NNAN992K.ZIP 15,276 09-16-92 NNansi.com v9/92 for 80386 chip, VGA.
OSASS11.ZIP 347,916 10-17-92 OS/ASSIST v1.1 for DOS. A suite of 14 util-ities designed with both the novice and ex-pert in mind. Here, in a single collection,are all of the commands that should havebeen included wit DOS but weren't. Everyuser of DOS should have these utilities ontheir PC. A prompt mode helps those whodon't like to memorize commands. Extensiveuse help avail- able. <ASP> Newest File inArchive: October, 1992
PALFIX.ZIP 25,797 10-17-92 Gets rid of Paradox $PALMEM$ file litter.
PATH_112.ZIP 23,431 07-31-92 PATH-MAN v1.12: Utility that searches thedirectory path elements of the PATHstatement for a given file; allows DOSwildcard characters; ERRORLEVEL variableset, based on search result, to allow moreuser friendly batch files; optionallydisplay the path element found. r07/31/92Micrometric <<ASP>>
PB19C.ZIP 31,881 02-24-92 Playback v1.9C: captures your keystrokes.
PB21.ZIP 31,963 09-10-92 Playback v2.1: captures your keystrokes,including the delay between keystrokes, &lets you play them back w/hot-keys, as anexecutable file, via a batch file, or from apointn-shoot menu; 09/10/92; RSE.
PCCLK215.ZIP 74,903 04-12-92 sets your PC's date & time by modem <ASP>Also an attractive digital clock. Featuresmanual as well as automatic setting. Requiers DOS 2.1 or better, CGA or better,and 1200 baud or faster modem.
PCINFO51.ZIP 37,745 11-14-92 Display DOS and BIOS Information for PC
PCKTD167.ZIP 118,785 08-21-92 PocketD v.167c DOS utility & color dirlister Exceptionally powerful tool thatcombines a substitute for a DOS programminglanguage with a color dir listing program. Over 120 options !
PCMAG_UP.ZIP 109,073 08-10-92 Collection Of The PCMag Utils.
PCOPY91B.ZIP 109,376 04-22-92 PCOPY version 9.1 from Norm Patriquin PCOPYis a super advanced alternative to the DOSCOPY command. PCOPY will copy only newfiles, files with a certain date, and muchmore! The only way that you will believe itis to see it!
PCSYS50.ZIP 77,623 08-31-92 PCSYS v5.0: reports system configuration ofCPU type, computer type, graphics card, EMS/Extended memory if available, printer ports,
PCTTUT10.ZIP 127,959 07-01-92 Tutor Master is an interactive DOS Tutorialusing the same pull down meuning interfaceas Menu Master and DOS Master. It teachesyou the most commonly used DOS commands in30 short lessons. It allows an unlimitednumber of users, remembering which lessonseach person has taken. You can also scrollthrough the DOS Dictionary window, thatdocuments all of the DOS commands includingDOS 5.0 instructions and memory management.
PCWORLD4.ZIP 219,448 11-27-92 PC World magazine's PowerBase *.* Volume IVutilities disk.
PCXTECH.ZIP 113,916 10-12-92 Technical specs on the .PCX file format. Includes C source code.
PTM225.ZIP 242,323 10-09-92 DOS Phantom V2.5 Task Automator. Record anytask you perform at the keyboard and play itback at a scheduled time or by hot key. Unlimited recording length! Includes screenand print capture. Docs. More. Shareware$25
PTM226.ZIP 240,713 11-20-92 DOS Phantom V2.6 Task Automator. Record anytask you perform at the keyboard and play itback at a scheduled time or by hot key. Unlimited recording length! Includes screenand print capture. Demo recording andmanual included. ASP Shareware. $25 reg.
PTM25U.ZIP 47,713 10-09-92 DOS Phantom V2.4 to V2.5 Upgrade Kit only.
QUUX100.ZIP 13,981 11-01-92 QUUX is a UUencode / UUdecode package forMS-DOS computers. UUencoding allows you tosend binary files over electronic mail andother systems that handle text-only data. Fast, reliable, and freeware.
RBOOTV1.ZIP 1,511 11-13-92 76-byte warm boot TSR with SYS REQ key.
REBUIL.ZIP 32,444 10-06-92 Rexx programs to rebuild LS, ES, UPM,Toolkt20, Workframe/2 and C Set/2 folders.
REGTST13.ZIP 7,015 10-17-92 Set Registers, Execute BIOS and DOSInterrupts and See the Results in theRegisters.
S3BNCH10.ZIP 29,586 11-19-92 Benchmark floating point operations v1.0
SECRET3.ZIP 7,929 10-23-92 MD, RD, CD hidden directories v1.3;w/ASM srcYes, if this looks familiar to you, it ISthe old package for making/using hiddendirs, but it has been revisited and reworkedby other than the original author. Now withASMs. Files: 8 Oldest: 10/17/92 Newest: 10/23/92
SET_CURS.ZIP 4,988 09-01-92 Sets cursor size in DOS.
SHIFTKEY.ZIP 8,323 07-20-92 Execute different bootup configs
SHIFTMOD.ZIP 1,468 08-24-92 Utility from PC Computing that remaps theangle-bracketts (< >) to , and . For DOS. Handy w/wordprocessors, databases, etc.
SKIP10.ZIP 77,428 09-02-92 Skipper v1.0: file mgmt tool for MS-DOS 5.0QBasic environment that will allow you todelete designated files w/the KILL function,name designated files w/the NAME function,shell to DOS and read designated ASCII-savedfiles; 09/02/92; Salt and Light Software.
SOUNDOFF.ZIP 37,804 08-25-92 Command line and batch file sound processor
SPKT450S.ZIP 291,952 11-12-92 SpeedKit from HyperWare Version 4.50Contains the shareware versions of the worldfamous HyperDisk, HyperKey and HyperScreenUtilities. New version supports NetwareLite, UPS Monitoring and includes API forprogrammers. Documentation and orderformincluded.
SPKT451S.ZIP 291,750 11-15-92 SpeedKit from HyperWare Version 4.50Contains the shareware versions of the worldfamous HyperDisk, HyperKey and HyperScreenUtilities. New version supports NetwareLite, UPS Monitoring and includes API forprogrammers. Documentation and orderformincluded.
START20.ZIP 17,897 08-17-92 START! v2.0 - Easy To use Dos ApplicationLauncher
SUTL25.ZIP 61,791 08-03-92 SUTL v2.5: collection of small utilscovering batch file, diagnostic, commanalysis, file, video & other areas;includes a # of very useful TSR pgms such asAL/PORT
SYSCH234.ZIP 73,824 08-08-92 System Checkout v2.34: 10 Pages of easy touse, clean information on your system;includes CPU, BIOS I/O, video, memory,network, and lots more;
TCMV01.ZIP 108,958 08-24-92 THE CONFIGURATION MANAGER (TCM) (08-24-92)Version 1.0. TCM is a utility program thatprovides access, boot and configurationcontrol plus the selection of multipleCONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT startup files. From McAfee Associates.
TKEY.ZIP 1,817 09-13-92 Good keyboard speedup utility.
TMED150C.ZIP 11,234 10-24-92 Very small TSR memory editor and debuggingaid for programmers. Uses ~8K. Works withTurbo Debugger. v1.50c Files: 2 Oldest: 10/23/92 Newest: 10/24/92
TOY202.ZIP 131,385 05-27-92 ToyBox II - a new graphical DOS menu systemdesigned with kids in mind. Powerful, butso simple, even young children can use it tostart their own programs without assistance. Large 3-D buttons with colorful Windows-compatible icons represent your programs. Superb EGA/VGA graphics. Mouse optional. Requires DOS 3.0+, HD, and 512 K.
TRKMEM10.ZIP 11,124 09-06-92 Utility to Determine Size And Program Use ofLow Memory And Will Also Determine if itAccessed EMS/Xms.
TSNR21.ZIP 114,281 11-16-92 Turbo Search and Replace v2.1
TSR46.ZIP 81,020 11-17-92 TSR Programs v4.6
TSRBOO.ZIP 6,613 08-03-92 Program for controlling TSR programs
TSRCOM33.ZIP 77,673 01-08-92 TSR HANDLER Mark/Release, DOS 5 supportExcellent TSR handler. Mark, Release. Memory map utility showing hooked vectors. DOS 5 Support.
TSTSR13.ZIP 40,895 10-10-92 Terminate and stay resident programs fromProf. Timo Salmi of the University ofVaasa, Finland.
TSUTIL36.ZIP 130,158 10-18-92 The first set of utilities from Prof. TimoSalmi, University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes day, dird, dirs, dirw, dtetim,dtetimal, grapinfo, pvmklo, pvmklohl, reset,stack, sysinfo, timdif, timelog.
TSUTLE19.ZIP 73,760 10-06-92 The Fifth Set of Utilities From Prof. TimoSalmi, University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes Clobber, CMOS, Cmosalar, MSplit,Pestikid, SeTVideo And Tdel.
TSUTLF10.ZIP 30,560 11-16-92 The Sixth Set of Utilities From Prof. TimoSalmi, University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes Strings, Strmemo. Has goodreputation.
UDOS12.EXE 186,044 10-10-92 Unix style tools for MS-DOS ver 1.2 10/01/92The shareware version contains 20 of themost common file and directory commands (ls,rm, mv, cd, cat, du, cpio, hd, find, ...). The registered version contains 50 commandsand the 'C' source code (grep, head, uniq,cmp, comm, cut, paste, split, strings...).
UPT.ZIP 145,727 09-20-92 Ultimate Power Tips Volume 1 - Collection of100s of tips for powerful computer use w/utilities. Tutorial.
UTILS01.ZIP 18,978 10-16-92 Two DOS utilities: Double Copy and DoubleDelete.
V11N16.ZIP 54,124 09-01-92 9/29/92 PC Magazine files, which includeTOTOP, a Windows utility designed to keepselected windows on top and handy.
V11N18.ZIP 110,454 10-27-92 PC Mag v11n18: WTIME - uses your modem tosynchronize the clock in your PC with thatof the Automatic Computer Time Service (ACT),
V11N19.ZIP 235,135 10-15-92 PC Magazine utilities, Vol 11 no 19
V11N21.ZIP 75,463 11-12-92 PC Magazine files 12/8/92. FeaturesMLPRINT, an address printing program.
VID7DRVS.ZIP 421,123 09-29-92 This is the complete set of updated video 7drivers,not just the windows 3.1 drivers.5.15
VIDSPD40.ZIP 22,883 10-06-92 VIDSPEED v4.0: video card performance test;tests for both video RAM and regular RAM;supports most major video cards includingCGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA/Hercules/Tandy/AT&T/Toshiba;
VIEW.EXE 257,917 11-11-92 Norton Desktop for DOS Viewer update - Excel4.0 etc. Must have NDD to use. FromSymantec dated August 19, 1992. y
VOL11N16.ZIP 53,948 09-29-92 Pc Magazine Collection - Vol11, Nb 16
VSERIAL.ZIP 2,051 09-04-92 Everything you wanted to know about the DOS5 volume serial number (and now you're sorryyou asked).
VSN.ZIP 1,508 09-01-92 Text tells how DOS 5 gets Volume Serial No.
WRAP10.ZIP 18,291 09-01-92 WRAPPER v1.0 - will load most TSR/Programsin your config.sys as devices - thusoptimizing memory management or performance. Also debugs, and other things Shareware $25.
XDOS390A.ZIP 196,755 09-08-92 The XtraDOS Utilities v3.90 1/3
XDOS390B.ZIP 296,899 08-05-92 The XtraDOS Utilities v3.90 2/3
XDOS390C.ZIP 148,395 08-16-92 The XtraDOS Utilities v3.90 3/3
XMS10.ZIP 6,100 08-18-92 XMS v1.0: allows you to exercise all thefunctions of the XMS specification at theDOS prompt providing you w/XMS' version #,and all sorts of other memory relatedinformation Quarterdeck Office Systems.